Open-Source Work Order Management Software

As the market leading field service software platform, ServiceMax continuously strives to provide customers with the tools to improve first-time-fix rates, logistics, and more. With our open-source Work Order Management software suite, your organization can manage field service teams and territories. Moreover, streamlining work orders maximizes your schedule with automation throughout the service process. With the tools at your disposal, even third party and partner service teams can benefit.


Some additional features of ServiceMax's field service management software include:

  • Assign, view & track service teams
  • Quickly update work order details
  • Multi-product debrief on a single work order
  • Instant invoice creation

This best in class field service management software is used by enterprise companies to handle a variety of processes. From workforce optimization, contract entitlements, scheduling, parts logistics, inventory, real-time partner and customer portal access. Built and delivered as a SalesForce cloud application and is completely integrated with the CRM. 

ServiceMax enables customers to get up and running fast with a low cost subscription model. Contact us today to see how ServiceMax can revolutionize your service organization.

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