Asset 360 for Salesforce

Scheduling and Optimization

Maximize call center, dispatcher and technician productivity with powerful capabilities from ServiceMax Asset 360 for Salesforce Field Service

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ServiceMax Asset 360 for Salesforce Field Service

Maximize Uptime and Support Asset-Centric Business Processes

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ServiceMax & Salesforce teamed up to deliver the most complete field service offering for both resource-centric and asset-centric needs. This solution–Asset 360 for Salesforce—drives operational efficiency, asset uptime, and customer satisfaction with a 360-degree view of assets on the world’s #1 CRM platform. With better insight and tools, service leaders can shift to outcome-based strategies to propel their businesses forward.

ServiceMax Asset 360 for Salesforce

Maximize Asset Performance & Differentiate with Service

Manage Every Service Request with Maximum Efficiency

Leverage intelligent features to automate and accelerate your scheduling process

Manually building an efficient field service schedule can drive even the most experienced dispatcher to distraction. Powered by a schedule optimizer, the Asset 360 dispatcher console does the work for you by generating an optimal schedule according to your priorities and constraints. The dispatcher console is the main working space for dispatchers. It features a dynamic map and a highly customizable Gantt chart—showing upcoming appointments and active team members—and helps your dispatchers make the most effective scheduling decisions. Schedule optimization helps you comply with service-level agreements and minimize travel time, overtime, costs, and no-shows.

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