ServiceMax Entitlements

Grow revenue and make sure you never give away free service

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What Happens with Better Entitlements?

  • Reduce Revenue Leakage
  • Establish a Platform for Revenue Growth
  • Prepare for Outcome-Based Services
contract renewals

ServiceMax ensures you stay close to your customers, never give away free service and capitalize on new revenue opportunities. In fact, the average ServiceMax customer increases service revenue by 25%* and contract renewals by 21%*.

*Average ServiceMax customer results
[Innovation Series] 3 Steps for Growing Your Contract Renewal Rates in 2020
ServiceMax Contracts and Entitlements

ServiceMax Entitlements

See how you can capture every opportunity with ServiceMax

See how you can capture every opportunity with ServiceMax
Keeping accurate service contracts, warranties and maintenance plans, across customers and locations is difficult to do, yet crucial to success. ServiceMax field service software keeps vital contract, maintenance and warranty data accurate for all your customers and every serviceable asset, so that you never give service away for free.

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Leverage a Powerful Entitlement Engine to Manage All Your Service Commitments

Stop losing money in the field

The last thing any service leader wants to do is provide free service when customers are not entitled to it. Or if free service is provided, there must be a way to capture the value delivered to support value-oriented discussions with the customer. Yet, many service organizations find it a struggle to track entitlements within their system, communicate the entitlement details to technicians and other stakeholders in the field, and set entitlement expectations with their customers. In fact, understanding this information often takes so much time and effort that many technicians and engineers don't question whether the customer is entitled to service or not – and customers certainly won't correct them. ServiceMax can make free service and warranty leakage revenue leakage and unintended free service a thing of the past, contributing to both your top and bottom-line results.

Entitlement & Warranty Management
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Warranty and Service Contracts

Chart a course for success and growth

Service revenue and growth have never been more critical to the bottom line. For manufacturers of all types and sizes, selling services -- not just products -- often delivers significantly better margins. For many service providers, service is their entire business. So why are so many organizations still using archaic, manual tools to sell and manage the delivery of services?

A profitable service organization requires modern contract capabilities. ServiceMax empowers organizations to define and manage a wide range of service contracts that increase service revenue and profits – all through a complete, web and mobile field service delivery platform.

Service Contracts
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Leverage Service Plans as Templates for Bespoke Service Contracts

Contract management, simplified

The ability to offer a well-designed slate of service solutions can boost both top and bottom-line results significantly. Yet, many organizations struggle to standardize their service offerings, believing that customization is needed to support diverse customer needs. ServiceMax Service Plans work like a blueprint and prepopulate individual service contracts with information such as parts pricing, labor pricing, service level agreements and pricing rules. Service Plans make it easy for you to define and manage a wide range of service contracts.

preventive maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

Consistent, proactive service to boost customer experience and service revenue

Preventive maintenance is evolving. It’s no longer just about scheduling the same work every month to prevent failure. Today, working smarter is critical to ensure maintenance is effective and profitable. By leveraging a 360 degree view of your equipment through ServiceMax, you get the best in preventive maintenance management from automated work order creation with set schedules and dynamically planned work order creation, to full condition-based plans. This allows you to rightsize your maintenance work, stay proactive and profitable, while delighting your customers.

preventive maintenance
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