To prevent unplanned downtime for your customers and generate a steady revenue stream for your service organization, your goal is to attach high-value service agreements to each piece of equipment.
To prevent unplanned downtime for your customers and generate a steady revenue stream for your service organization, your goal is to attach high-value service agreements to each piece of equipment. The contracts entitle your customers to regular tire inspections, filter replacements, tune-ups, oil changes and other corrective maintenance services.
With ServiceMax, you can not only eliminate leakage but also turn each customer interaction into a cross- and upsell opportunity. ServiceMax provides:
- Automated entitlement checks when creating cases, work orders, and return orders; as well as the means to resolve conflicts
- Granular visibility into the coverage by asset, by account, by region
- Notifications when contracts are up for renewal
- Demonstrate the value of preventive service to your customers
What’s more, ServiceMax equips you with everything you need to compare performance and contract profitability across product lines, accounts, brands, and manufacturers. This allows you to create customer agreements that guarantee the health of their equipment and keep you profitable.