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IDC MarketScape Names PTC a Leader in FSM Applications


PTC is once again positioned in the Leaders Category in this latest 2023–2024 IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Field Service Management (FSM) applications. Read this excerpt to gain insights on the evolving market.

IDC MarketScape Names PTC a Leader in SLM Platforms


PTC is once again positioned in the Leaders Category in this latest 2023–2024 IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) platforms. Read this excerpt to gain insights on the increasing importance of picking an SLM vendor that delivers a complete suite of service capabilities, can be implemented at scale, and has what it takes to future proof your service operations.

Frost & Sullivan: 2023 Enabling Technology Leadership Award


Frost & Sullivan has recognized ServiceMax – specifically our FieldFX product – for excellence in Field Service Management (FSM) in the Oil & Gas industry.

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The Impact of Digital Transformation on Service Organizations


Explore the four key ways that ServiceMax customers have used their digital transformations to improve business outcomes, with a look at the real-world metrics, including increasing revenue and NPS scores, improving first-time fix rates, and more.

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Discover the Power of Asset Data Across the Organization


From the front-line to senior management, asset data visibility is critical to drive essential decision-making throughout the asset lifecycle and enables teams around the organization to perform their jobs more effectively.

IDC Analyst Connection: Don't Let Your Service Platform Limit Your Innovation


In an increasingly competitive environment, delivering a superior customer experience is critical – and one way companies can ensure their customers’ expectations are met is by working with experienced solution providers, versus trying to build solutions in-house.

Transforming Field Service with Emerging Technologies


WBR Insights surveyed 100 IT, operations, service, and support leaders from across the U.S. and Canada to learn how field service organizations’ technology strategies have changed over the past year.

Refining Digital Transformation through Asset Centricity


Harvard Business Review Analytic Services explores the market factors and customer expectations driving digital transformation across organizations with equipment and assets, as well the definition of an asset-centric, life-cycle approach enabled by service.

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The Power of Asset Data


Organizations can obtain great value from increasing the availability of asset data across the organization to critical stakeholders. In a recent research project conducted by Field Service News of over 230 service leaders, those that were sharing asset data saw higher performance levels when it came to key business metrics such as revenue growth, margin attainment, and customer satisfaction.

Benchmarking Report: The Impact of Asset Data Flow Beyond the Silo of Field Service Operations


ServiceMax partnered with Field Service News in a recent research project to understand how often and efficiently asset data is used within service organizations—or does the data remain within a silo of operations which can stall or prevent innovation and digital transformation.

The First Annual Chief Service Officer Report


Authored by Worldwide Business Research and sponsored by ServiceMax, the report underscores the growing prevalence of the service department as a center for revenue growth and the Chief Service Officer (CSO) as a leader in driving the organization’s approach to customer experience.

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Volver a los fundamentos del servicio: 5 áreas fundamentales para la transformación digital del servicio


Descargue este libro electrónico para aprender a impulsar la eficiencia operativa, ofrecer el máximo rendimiento de los servicios y mejorar la experiencia del cliente.

The Asset Data Thread - The Evolving Role of Field Service


Bain & Company recently conducted a research to uncover details about the future of field service. In this POV, we share 6 major takeaways from the research and 10 actions organizations can prioritize to continue providing superior service.

Construyendo un puente entre ventas y servicio con datos de los equipos industriales


Hoy en día, se recogen grandes cantidades de datos en el terreno y herramientas como la inteligencia artificial (IA) y el aprendizaje automático (ML) están permitiendo a las organizaciones de servicios generar modelos y prescribir programas de mantenimiento predictivo a los dispositivos, optimizando el tiempo de actividad.

Bain Brief: Field Service Is Changing Rapidly. Can You Keep Up?


This global study explores the future of service, organization maturity, and trends across commercial, operations, and technology areas, as well as key challenges and enablers in the field service arena.

Emerging Technologies in Field Service


The CTOs, innovation leaders, and field service teams that put new, cutting-edge technologies into service last year have just scratched the surface of what these digital tools can accomplish. This special version of the annual “Emerging Technologies” field service report will explore the sophistication of field service teams’ technology programs, revealing how organizations are tracking the status and reliability of their assets while meeting customer demands for service using new software and hardware.

El informe 2021 de Líderes de Servicio: Una guía completa para los Líderes de Servicio de todo el mundo


El Informe CSO ofrece un resumen de los principales temas, retos, iniciativas y oportunidades recopilados por la comunidad global de CSO de ServiceMax.

The Value of Integrations


Managing a large number and variety of integrations is critical to realizing the value of ServiceMax’s Field Service Management solutions. Serving as an execution platform, ServiceMax can – through integrations – provide the information needed by customer service agents, technicians and service engineers, back office support staff, procurement/supply chain personnel, and/or the finance team to effectively and efficiently perform their work. It is all about breaking through software silos to deliver the correct information to the right people in real time.

Augmented Reality & The Future of Field Service


Augmented reality (AR) technology blends the real and digital worlds by overlaying digital information or objects within a person’s current view, enhancing the viewer’s experience. The most familiar examples of AR are consumer-based, such as Nintendo’s Pokemon Go and Google Translate. However, the field of "industrial AR"—using the technology to solve industry problems in manufacturing and service—is growing steadily in part due to technology gains and greater understanding of the potential benefits.

Frost & Sullivan otorga a ServiceMax el Premio de Liderazgo de Mercado 2020 para el Mobile Field Service Management


Como otro testimonio de nuestro liderazgo en la gestión de servicios de mantenimiento industrial, ServiceMax ha recibido el Premio de Liderazgo en el Mercado 2020 de Frost & Sullivan para el Mobile Field Service Management en América del Norte. Le invitamos a acceder y leer la reseña completa que acompaña el premio.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, & the Future of Field Service


AI & ML Defined: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is generally defined as the application of advanced analysis and logic-based techniques to interpret events, support and automate decisions, and take actions. These techniques include Machine Learning (ML), which relies on sets of rules or algorithms to continuously learn from data. We increasingly encounter AI and ML as consumers, whether by interacting with virtual assistants, scrolling social media feeds, or streaming video content. But AI’s potential for business is wide-ranging—especially for field service.

Reporte: Tecnología de punta en el Servicio de Mantenimiento Industrial


Estudio sobre la tecnología de última generación que está transformando la prestación y la gestión de los servicios.

Informe de percepción de WBR


Estudio de la gestión del cumplimiento y la eficiencia de los servicios. Los fabricantes de dispositivos médicos están experimentando un momento en el tiempo definido por los cambios en la tecnología y las expectativas de los clientes, enmarcado por los crecientes desafíos de gestión de datos y de cumplimiento. Estos deben ser abordados por estrategias de gestión de servicios integrales. Descarga este informe para conocer las estrategias que están utilizando los fabricantes de dispositivos médicos para cumplir con las normas, al tiempo que amplían su negocio y se esfuerzan por lograr la rentabilidad del servicio.

Conexión con analistas de IDC: Sobresalientes en la entrega de servicios con una fuerza de trabajo híbrida


Aly Pinder, Director de Programas, Innovación de Servicios y Productos Conectados en IDC, aborda cinco preguntas formuladas por ServiceMax. Sus respuestas resaltan las áreas pertinentes y le brindan recomendaciones procesables.

El auge de "La Fuerza de la Gravedad de los Activos y los Datos de Servicio"


Este nuevo estudio concluye que la recopilación y el análisis automático de datos de servicio y activos ofrecen un aumento del 14% en los ingresos y brinda información para cualquier otra parte de tu negocio.

Investigación: Costes, causas y consecuencias de un tiempo de inactividad no planificado


El estudio de Vanson Bourne encuentra que la producción y la productividad, las TI y el servicio al cliente son los más afectados por el tiempo de inactividad no planificado, con repercusiones perjudiciales para las empresas en general.